21.03.2016 Reading Skeptics in the Pub, Reading. Title: tbc
01.03.2016 Birkbeck College, London. Title: tbc
23.02.2016 Opening keynote address, GSA Deputy Heads & Senior Leaders Conference. Nottingham. Title: The developing social brain in childhood and adolescence
09.02.2016 University of Sussex, School of Psychology, Brighton. Title: Plasticity and excitability in the developing brain
02.02.2016 University of Birmingham, Department of Psychology, Birmingham. Title: Cortical excitability and plasticity in developing brain networks during childhood and adolescence
26.01.2016 University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. Title: Neuro-cognitive development in adolescence: the case of social functioning
22.11.2016 Talk 2 Ur Brain Symposium Tel Aviv, Israel. Title: FMRI-based neurofeedback and the developing emotion network
11.11.2015 One-day workshop, Organization for Childneuropsychologist, Copenhagen, Denmark. Title:The social brain in adolescence
16.10.2015 University of Sheffield. Department of Psychology, Sheffield. Title: tbc
27.09.2015 Names Not Numbers, Panel Discussion, Oxford. Title: Understanding Generation Z
18.09.2015 Flux Conference, Leiden, The Netherlands. Title: FMRI-based neurofeedback and the developing emotion network
20.04.2015 - 24.04.2015 Participant in ‘I’m a scientist, get me out of here’, funded by the Wellcome Trust and the National Science Foundation.
18.10.2014 Keynote address 3rd International Congress on Borderline Personality Disorder, European Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Rome, Italy. Title:Neuro-cognitive development during childhood and adolescence
18.06.2014 Summer school: ‘What faces can reveal about social and cognitive processes, Milan, Italy. Title: Face processing abilities: a model for studying brain development during childhood and adolescence
02.04.2014 ESRC workshop: ‘'Mechanisms of social perception in adolescence, Goldsmiths College, London. Title: Face processing in childhood and adolescence.
28.11.2013 Annual Congress, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik und Nervenheilkunde, Berlin, Germany. Title: Combining real-time fMRI neurofeedback and cognitive training in adolescence
23.05.2013 5th European Meeting on Human Fear Conditioning, Affligem, Belgium. Title: Trait anxiety levels modulate threat-learning during adolescence
18.01.2013 Opening keynote address, Annual retreat, Centre for Mental Health, Freudenstadt, Germany. Title:Neurocognitive development during childhood and adolescence
08.09.2011 One-day seminar for the Danish Psychological Society, Copenhagen, Denmark. Title: The social brain in adolescence.
27.03.2011 Keynote lecture, BioVision 2011, Lyon, France. Title: The social brain during adolescence.
09.03.2011 University of Reading, Department of Psychology, Reading. Title: The developing social brain
23.02.2011 Brunel University, Uxbridge. Title: The developing social brain: the case of face processing
8.12.2010 The Hebrew University, Department of Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel. Title: The developing social brain: childhood through adolescence
17.11.2010 University of Oxford, Department of Psychology, Oxford. Title: Pinpointing the emerging cortical networks for face processing from childhood through adulthood
19.10.2010 University of York, Department of Psychology, York. Title: The developing social brain: the case of face processing
14.05.2010 Section of Development and Affective Neuroscience, National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. Title: Emerging patterns of cortical specialisation: the case of face processing
09.-11.09.2009 Symposium organised for the BPS Developmental Section Conference, University of Nottingham. Title: Becoming a face expert: developmental evidence for the emergence of face-processing abilities in infants, children and young chicks
19.5.2009 Workshop for Developmental Neuroimaging, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Title: Developmental trajectories of cortical specialisation: the case of face processing.
31.10.2008 University of Salzburg, Department of Psychology, Salzburg, Austria. Title: Cortical specialisation for face processing skills
17.09.2008 Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Unit, Institute for Child Health, University College London, London. Title: Developing a cortex specialised for face perception: an fMRI study
01.09.2008 BPS Developmental Section Conference, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. Title: The emergence of face specialised cortical areas: An fMRI study
18.07.2003 University of Würzburg, Arbeitskreis Bildgebung und EEG in der Psychiatrie (AKBE) Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Würzburg, Germany. Title: P300 Generation - Towards the Localisation of the Categorizational Network
01.01.2002 Ben-Gurion University, Department of Behavioural Sciences, Beer- Sheva, Israel. Title: P300 and Working Memory - Investigating Retrieval Activity with ERP and fMRI